ISSN 3032-0208
Copyright and License Statement
Agriculture and Biological Technology (AGIOTECH) was founded by Indonesian Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA) in collaboration with the University of Riau (UR) which consists of the fields of agriculture and aquaculture.
This journal can be a medium of communication for researchers, academics, students and communities. Agiotech accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa and English, only processes submitted original script related to the scope of Agriculture and Biology. We are committed to publishing quality scientific articles based on current facts.
AGIOTECH publishes primary research papers, review articles, Book chapter, and research notes in all areas of agriculture and biology. Issues are published online in December and Juny.
This journal can be a medium of communication for researchers, academics, students and communities. Agiotech accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa and English, only processes submitted original script related to the scope of Agriculture and Biology. We are committed to publishing quality scientific articles based on current facts.
Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA)
Address: Jl. Garuda II No.2, Kel. Labuh Baru Timur, Kec. Payung Sekaki Kota Pekanbaru, 28292 Indonesia
Agriculture and Biological Technology by Science, Technology, and Education Care is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International