ISSN 3032-0208
Copyright and License Statement
Agricultural research can be broadly defined as any research activity aimed at increasing crop productivity and quality through genetic improvement, better crop protection, agricultural cultivation, irrigation, climatology, storage methods, agricultural mechanization, efficient marketing, and resource management.
The main role of agricultural research is to increase knowledge and improve technology. This increases understanding of the interactions and interdependencies between cultivation techniques, production systems and farming communities.
Furthermore, Biology is a broad discipline in which biological processes, organisms, cells or cellular components are exploited to develop new technologies. The use of living organisms or biological processes for the purpose of developing useful to agricultural of agriculture, environment, and agricultural industry.
Agriculture and Biological Technology (AGIOTECH) is a forum for distributing the latest information from agricultural research widely. This journal can be a medium of communication for researchers, academics, students and communities. Agiotech accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa and English, only processes submitted original script related to the scope of Agriculture. We are committed to publishing quality scientific articles based on current facts.
AGIOTECH's editorial team excels and is actively involved in a wide range of aquaculture research which ensures an effective, efficient, legal and comprehensive peer-review process.
Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA)
Address: Jl. Garuda II No.2, Kel. Labuh Baru Timur, Kec. Payung Sekaki Kota Pekanbaru, 28292 Indonesia
Agriculture and Biological Technology by Science, Technology, and Education Care is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International