ISSN 3032-0208
Copyright and License Statement
Journal of Agriculture and Biological Technology (AGIOTECH)
Aims and Scope
Journal of Agricultural and Biological Technology (AGIOTECH) aims to promote interdisciplinary research and to foster collaboration among researchers from diverse backgrounds. AGIOTECH is committed to publishing high-quality, original research that makes a significant contribution to the fields of science, biological science, technology, environment, and engineering.
Agriculture Research Areas (Not Limited)
Biological Technology Research Areas (Not Limited)
Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA)
Address: Jl. Garuda II No.2, Kel. Labuh Baru Timur, Kec. Payung Sekaki Kota Pekanbaru, 28292 Indonesia
Agriculture and Biological Technology by Science, Technology, and Education Care is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International