Author Guidelines

(Times New Roman 16)

Irwan Effendi1, Mega Novia Putri*, Okta Rizal Karsih1 (12 pt Bold)
1Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Riau (12 pt)

ABSTRACT (11pt Bold Italic)
This is an author guidelines and article template of Tropical Marine Environment Sciences since year 2022 publication. Article should be started by Title of Article followed by Authors Name and Affiliation Address and abstract. This abstract section should be typed in Italic font and font size of 11 pt and number of words of 150-200. Special for the abstract section, please use normal margin. The single spacing should be used between lines in this article. If article is written in Indonesian, the abstract should be typed in Indonesian and English. Meanwhile, if article is written in English, the abstract should be typed in English only. The abstract should be typed as concise as possible and should be composed of: problem statement, method, scientific finding results, and short conclusion. The abstract should only be typed in one paragraph and one-column format.
Keywords: author guidelines; agriculture journal; article template
*Corresponding Author

1. Introduction
TROMES (Tropical Marine Environment Sciences) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from research results on aquatic biota life, physical and chemical conditions of waters, both brackish waters and marine waters.
The articles published in this journal are articles that have gone through the review process by Bestari Partners (peer-reviewers). The decision whether or not to accept a scientific article in this journal is the right of the Editorial Board based on the recommendations of the Bestari Partners..

2. Title, Name & Address
The title of the article is written in English, the author's name (without academic degree), and the author's affiliation address are written centered on the first page below the title of the article. The line spacing between the title and the author's name is 2 spaces, while the spacing between the author's affiliation address and the abstract title is 1 space.
Keywords must be written below the abstract text, arranged in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons with a total of 3-5 words. The corresponding author is marked with (*). At the bottom of the left column of the first page/abstract, the sign of the responsible author must be written and the email address must also be written Communication about article revisions and final decisions will only be communicated via email Corresponding Author.
If there is more than one author, write the names of the authors separated by commas (,). If the author's name consists of two words, the first word of the author (first name) should not be abbreviated. If the author's name consists of only one word, write the actual name in one word, however in the online version it will be written in two words containing the same (repeated) name for indexing purposes.

3. General Instructions for Manuscript Writing
Manuscripts are written in MS Word format according to this article template. Manuscripts can be sent via:
1. E-mail to Journal Editorial email 
2. Online Submission System 
Manuscripts that do not comply with the writing instructions will be returned to the author first before continuing the review process.
The manuscript must contain the following components of a scientific article (subtitles in order, if any), namely: (a) Article Title, (b) Author Name, (c) Author Affiliation Address, (d) Abstract and Keywords, (e) Introduction, (f) Materials and Methods, (g) Results and Discussion, (h) Conclusion, and (i) Bibliography.
Writing subtitles in the body of the article (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion) must be numbered sequentially in Arabic numeric format starting from number one. Subtitles are written in bold letters with Title Case format and are arranged left-aligned without underlining. Sub-subtitles are written in bold with Sentence case format and are arranged left-aligned and use a level two numbering format.
The manuscript should be written in English with a maximum of 10 pages including figures and tables. The manuscript must be written according to this article template in camera ready form.
The article should be written in A4 size (210 x 297 mm) and with a format of 25 mm left margin, 20 mm right margin, 20 mm bottom margin, and 30 mm top margin. The manuscript must be written in Times New Roman typeface with a font size of 12 pt (except the title of the article), single-spaced, and in a two-column format (except for the title of the article, author's name, and abstract). The distance between columns is 10 mm. A new paragraph starts 10 mm from the left margin, while there is no space between paragraphs. All numbers are written in Arabic numerals, except at the beginning of a sentence.
Tables and Figures are placed in the text group after the table or figure is referred to. Each figure should be given a Figure Caption at the bottom of the figure and numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals followed by the title of the figure. Each table must be given a table caption and numbered in Arabic numerical sequence above the table followed by the table title. Figures must be guaranteed to print clearly (font size, resolution and line size must be guaranteed to print clearly). Figures and tables and diagrams/schematics should be placed in columns between groups of text or, if too large, in the center of the page. Tables should not contain vertical lines, while horizontal lines are allowed but only important ones.

4. Special Instructions for Writing Manuscript Content
Article Title: The title of the article should be brief and clear, and should indicate precisely the issue to be addressed, not allowing for multiple interpretations, written entirely in symmetrical capital letters. The title of the article should not contain abbreviations of words that are not commonly used.
Introduction: The introduction should contain (in order) a general background, a review of previous literature (state of the art) as the basis for the statement of scientific novelty of the article, a statement of scientific novelty, and a research problem or hypothesis.
At the end of the introduction, the purpose of the article should be stated. In the format of a scientific article, a literature review is not allowed as in a research report, but is realized in the form of a review of previous literature (state of the art) to demonstrate the scientific novelty of the article.
Research Methods: Contains the steps and stages taken in finding answers and achieving goals.
Results and Discussion: The results sub-sub contains scientific findings obtained from the results of the research that has been carried out which are supported by data. The results must be able to answer the research hypothesis. The discussion sub-sub contains analysis of the data obtained, comparison with previous research results and theoretical and logical reviews why this is so.
Conclusions and Suggestions: The conclusion describes the answer to the hypothesis and/or research objectives or scientific findings obtained. The conclusion will also answer the point that is the purpose of the research. If there are suggestions, they can be added at the end of the article.
Bibliography: Contains all references referred to in the text of the article. The Bibliography must contain references from actual primary sources (scientific journals; minimum 80%) and reference books published in the last 10 (ten) years. Writing a reference system in the text of the article and writing a bibliography using a reference management application program such as: Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero, etc..

Bibliography Guidelines
Scientific magazines/journals: ,
Zahran, E., E. A. A. Gawad., E. Risha. 2018. Dietary Withania sominefera root confers protective and immunotherapeutic effects against Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, Volume 80, September 2018, Pages 641-650.
Buku/ textbook
Austin, D. A. (2018). Fish Pathology. (p. 978). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Prosiding Seminar:
Musa, P. (2012). Phytoimmunostimulant of mangrove leaves on barackish water tialpia. In International Conference on Fish and Immunology (pp. 25–30). Pekanbaru, Indonesia: Department of Marine Sciences, Riau University.
Effendi, I. (2004). Survival of Aeromonas salmonicida in Marine Ecosystem. PhD Thesis. Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Pustaka berupa patent:
Billmack, K.S. (2007). Method of Stabilizing Polyvalent Metal Solutions. US Patent No. 4,373,101.