South East Asian Aquaculture
South East Asian Aquaculture (SEAQU) accepts manuscripts written in English or Indonesia and SEAQU only processes submitted original scripts related to the scope of Aquaculture, Reproduction, and Genetics of Aquatic Organisms, Fish Nutrition, Fish Health, and Fisheries that other publishers are not publishing. This journal is a communication medium for researchers, academics, students, and communities.
SEAQU publishes primary research papers, review articles, and research notes in all aquaculture areas. Issues are published online in January and July.
Journal of Tropical Marine Environmental Sciences
Journal of Tropical Marine Environmental Sciences is a journal that publishes scientific articles from the research of lecturers and other researchers in the field of water; focusing on aspects of aquatic ecology for utilizing this habitat as a food-producing ecosystem (fisheries and agriculture) and its function for the earth's ecosystems. Covering biological, physical, and chemical aspects, both for freshwater (rivers, lakes, swamps, reservoirs), brackish waters (mangrove swamps, river estuaries) and marine waters (coastal and offshore seas).
All publications in Tropical Marine Environmental Sciences are open access, allowing articles to be freely available online without having to subscribe.
In cooperation with the Indonesian Association of Oceanologists - Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Riau.
South East Asian Marine Sciences Journal
South East Asian Marine Sciences Journal (SEAMAS) is a journal that publishes scientific research articles in all aspects of marine science including aspects of ecology, geology, biology, marine aquaculture, marine meteorology, oceanography, climate change, waves, living natural resources, and marine environmental conservation.
Journal of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics Education
Journal of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematic, and Physic Education (BIOCHAMP) merupakan jurnal akses terbuka yang diterbitkan oleh Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA) dan bekerja sama dengan Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI). BIOCHAMP betujuan untuk menampung semua ide penelitian, pengembangan, dan penerapan dalam pendidikan biologi, kimia, matematika, dan fiska. Para peneliti dan praktisi pendidikan dipersilahkan untuk menyebarluaskan ide dan tulisannya melalui jurnal ini. Jurnal ini akan terbit dua kali dalam setahun.
South East Asian Water Resources Management
South East Asian Water Resources Managements Journal (SEAWARM) is a journal that publishes scientific papers/articles on activities or processes of planning, organizing, utilizing, and also managing aquatic resources, planktonology, ichthyology, and more.
Agriculture and Biological Technology
Agriculture and Biological Technology (AGIOTECH) was founded by Indonesian Science, Technology, and Education Care (STEDCA) in collaboration with the University of Riau (UR) which consists of the fields of agriculture and aquaculture.
This journal can be a medium of communication for researchers, academics, students and communities. Agiotech accepts manuscripts written in Bahasa and English, only processes submitted original script related to the scope of Agriculture and Biology. We are committed to publishing quality scientific articles based on current facts.
AGIOTECH publishes primary research papers, review articles, Book chapter, and research notes in all areas of agriculture and biology. Issues are published online in December and Juny.
South East Asian Management Concern
South East Asian Management Concern Journal (SEAMAC) is a journal that publishes scientific research articles in all aspects of management science, including parts of Marketing Management, Financial Management, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Human Resource Management, e-business, Management Information Systems, International Business, Business Economics, Business Ethics and Sustainability, Knowledge Management, Management Accounting, and Management Control Systems.
South East Asia Law Aspect
South East Asian Law Aspect Journal (SEALA) adalah jurnal peer-review dengan sistem double blind review. SEALA mengundang para ahli hukum untuk berkontribusi dengan mengirimkan artikel mengenai isu-isu hukum, khususnya mengenai:
- Filsafat dan Teori Hukum
- Perbandingan Hukum
- Sosiologi hukum
- Hukum Internasional
- Hukum Tata Negara
- Hukum ekonomi
- Hukum lingkungan
- Hukum pidana
- Hukum administrasi
- Hukum siber
- Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia
- Hukum agraria